

i've yet to put into words all the things i've learned there...
so ill let the photos speak for now....more to come....
so keep checkin'.
love you. m


things with wings......

baby japanese white eye.

she, tiny 
would fit into those plastic easter eggs
she fell from the mango tree
into the grass
i almost stepped on her
her mama and daddy screaming nearby
so i let them take care of her
they led her up the tree
she falls again
i watched this happen 
all day
daijoubu kana.....
i dont know how i could have helped her....
 ...click on the photos to see them up close...


Balance is to locate the still point at the center of complexity.
Balance is to be in a constant state of sensitive fine adjustments
Balance requires exquisite sensitivity to inner and outer forces.
Balance requires yielding and resisting, yielding and resisting...
Balance cannot wait
Balance appears spontaneous and improvisational but is utterly responsible and devoted
Balance is thwarted by pretense, also by insistance
Balance knows both this and that and prefers neither
Balance is opportunistic
Balance finds a home anywhere, finds the center everywhere.
"Balanceing" is more like it then "balanced"
balance is a state of mind and body and spirit that manifests itself in the actions of our mind, our bodies , and our spirit.
balance is homeostasis, is dynamic harmony, is ecological well-being
balance is what nature requires, sooner or later, at all scales , of all things, micro and macro

Balance has a flip side= imbalance

imbalance opens the door
imbalance knows excess
imbalance is always immanent, always in the wings
Balance is opportunistic in its own way, imbalance wins by default
imbalance is almost all except for the fraction ceded to balance now and again
imbalance is indolent, achieves by carelessness
imbalance is the child of time
imbalance is what Nature requires, sooner or later at all scales, icro and macro
So is balance 

Imbalance: the sea Balance : the perfect wave
Imbalance: everything over time
Balance: everything outside of time. 



photo school taught me that its cool to take blurry photos


gold fish

24. my golden year...
. i have my own house for the whole month...for free.
with an open lanai that looks out to the ocean. private beach. 
perfect weather. good company.  always full belly. beautiful family. no credit card. no kids. no waking up at 4am!! 
so other than the occasional? daily toothache (no job...no insurence..)
i've been placed in heaven for the time being
bout finishing
nesting resting testing 
feeling cleaning thinking thanking
and making




this is what it feels life...love.m